BabylonGD: GDevelop in 3D
This extension is intended to transform classic top-down 2D games created in GDevelop into 3D games, using Babylon.js to achieve this. However, it is not compatible with side-view platform games.
Thinking in 2D is typically easier than thinking in 3D, but 3D games are often considered cooler (although this is debatable!). This extension is designed to enable the creation of cool games with ease.
It's worth noting that this extension is highly opinionated and aims to minimise the use of events or actions unless absolutely necessary. It seeks to achieve everything using behaviours wherever possible. As it is still in its early stages, I cannot recommend using it for anything other than fun or game jams. Furthermore, I cannot guarantee backward compatibility, and anything may break in the next version, so use it at your own risk.
Please note that I do not own any of the assets used in the demo project. As I distribute the project, I always use CC0 assets. However, if you notice any mistakes, please let me know so that I can take action as soon as possible. If you plan to use these assets in your own projects, please check their licences from the provided links.
As this is not my main project, I cannot guarantee frequent updates. I have another project that uses a different engine, which takes up most of my time. However, since I enjoy working with Babylon.js and GDevelop, I am planning to add new features and release new versions as and when I can.
This is the initial release of the extension. Very premature release for GDevelop 3D Jam. I'll probably make big changes including removing behaviors and adding new ones. So, please keep this in mind while using this extension.
BabylonGD: GDevelop in 3D (Extension) v0.0.1
Getting Started
To download the extension, go to
Please note that this extension is neither an official nor a community one, and therefore, it needs to be installed manually. To install the extension, follow these steps:
Click on “Create or search for new extensions”.
Click on “Import extension”.
Select the extension that you have downloaded.
To activate the extension, you need to add a camera and use below event.
Then your scene should have one camera object for the changes to take place.
Camera Behaviour
This is the required behaviour. All scenes should have one (and only one) object that has this behaviour.
hide: Whether it should be hidden in 3D scene. You usually want to hide. Enable only if you want to debug.
checkCollisions: Whether camera should have a collider around it. If enabled camera won’t be able to move when collided with other objects, such as structures.
applyGravity: Whether gravity should be applied to camera. If applied, built-in Babylon.js physics will be applied. CANNON or Havok is not supported yet.
cameraType: Choose a camera type. Currently only FPS camera is supported. Other camera types will be added in the future.
keysUp: By default, W in WASD movement. Override if you want to change.
keysDown: By default, S in WASD movement. Override if you want to change.
keysLeft: By default, A in WASD movement. Override if you want to change.
keysRight: By default, D in WASD movement. Override if you want to change.
setZOrder: Change the z-order of the camera. This is typically the third dimension what makes it a 3D game. In Babylon.js it’s the Y axis but since (X, Y) is what GDevelop uses, the extension will do the translation in the background.
applyGravity: You can change initial behaviour property.
Structure Behaviour
This will create a box consisting of 6 planes. For each plane you can assign a texture. So other than behaviour properties, you will need to create sprite animations with below names:
All self-explanatory but FRONT and LEFT animations are compulsory. If you don’t provide RIGHT, Then LEFT will be used. For all the rest if you don’t provide a texture FRONT texture will be used.
You can provide multiple textures for each animation. Then it will be an “animation” like GDevelop in 2D.
If the object is bigger than the texture, then the extension needs to know how it will handle it. It can repeat (tile) the texture or extend it. You can use below behaviour properties to achieve this.
IMPORTANT: Make sure all the sprite origins are mid-centred. Otherwise, the 3D box won’t be properly aligned.
And since GDevelop canvas is 2D-only, we need to let Babylon.js know about the depth of the building. Need to add a variable named “depth” for this.
SkyBox Behaviour
You can create a sky box using 6 pre-rendered images. It doesn’t matter where you place this on the 2D editor, but it just needs to be on the scene to take effect. And you need to add 6 animations with names these names.
px, py, pz, nx, ny, nz
px means positive-x and nx means negative x. And the others are similar.
You can use below image as reference:
SkyMaterial Behaviour
You can also create realistic and procedural sky without using pre-rendered images. You can dynamically specify things like sun position, turbidity, inclination, etc.
This behaviour could be attached to any sprite or any object. It doesn’t matter where it’s located, and it doesn't matter what image you use. But you can add a dummy image so you can locate in on the scene editor.
Simple Sprite Behaviour
You can use 2D sprites on 3D space. The sprite will always be looking at the camera. This is a very useful for technique for non-realistic games where you don’t need to create lots of 3D models with time consuming animations.
The most important thing is that your sprite should have an animation called DEFAULT. It’s only needed for some initial settings. You can switch to other animations using the usual GDevelop events. Babylon.js will render the active GDevelop animation.
IMPORTANT: Make sure all the sprite origins are bottom-centred. Otherwise, the 3D sprite won’t be properly aligned.
Light Behaviour
Light is needed for camera to show 3D objects. Otherwise, everything will be dark. Currently only Hemispheric Light is supported. Other light sources will be added for future releases.
Terrain Behaviour
You can create a terrain from a height map and include mix maps. To use a terrain, you need to create a sprite with 8 animations (only first images of the animations will be used).
HEIGHTMAP: The actual heightmap for the terrain. Black parts are the ground, and the white parts are the mountains.
MIXMAP: This will define how the textures will be mapped to RGB values.
GROUND: Ground texture in the mixmap.
MIDDLE: Middle texture in the mixmap
HIGH: High texture in the mixmap.
GROUND_N: Ground normal texture in the mixmap.
MIDDLE_N: Middle normal texture in the mixmap
HIGH_N: High normal texture in the mixmap.
You also need to specify behaviour properties.
Max Height: Defines how high the tallest point of the terrain will be. 100px=1unit in Babylon
Min Height: Defines how shallow the deepest point of the terrain will be. 100px=1unit in Babylon
Subdivisions: This defines the quality of the terrain. If you or your audience have low graphics, try setting this to a lower value. Around 150 is a good number for average machines but try 50 or lower for low-spec machines.
If you stretch or rotate the terrain sprite, 3D object will also be rotated and stretched making it “what you see is what you get” in 2D editor.
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- BabylonGD fixes for lates GDevelopJan 31, 2024
- BabylonGD version 0.1.0: FPS JumpMay 21, 2023
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Skybox not working, even on your source files, but only in the preview in gdevelop I guess.
Having strange issues with babylonGD after todays Gdevelop update. Game looks like its buzzing. Super strange. not sure if it's just me having an issue. O well.
I'm now getting black screen when running the preview, just after the last GDevelop update..
is anyone else having the same problem or it's just me?
Yeah sorry looks like one of the latest upgrades corrupted the extension. I'll need to debug and fix it. But cannot exactly tell when that'll happen.
wow.. thx for even replying
that's okay really.. don't rush it, this is a very good extensions.. especially the terrain from the height maps, I almost feel like using unreal engine 😅
I have fixed the extension so the skybox is no longer black. Please update your files and let me know if you're still experiencing this issue. I think you may need the latest version of GDevelop.
Çok teşekkür ederim
Im having this same problem as well
Hi there it's fixed in the latest version. Please upgrade and make sure you upgrade GDevelop as well.
when will you add 2d object in your extension
There should be such object. Try attaching the behaviour called "simpleSpriteBehaviour" to a sprite.
Good morning. I know that the struggle to develop something of quality is not an easy one; so here’s a tip, how about putting more examples of using this fantastic extension and charging for it like Pandako has done at
WithThreeJs is very cool, but I see that yours has some differentials that I like. And you've already started with a library that's great and advanced. I can see this by visiting both websites and comparing. x
I'm really excited about the evolution you guys are causing in Gdevelop.
Congratulations Babylongd and Threejs for Gdevelop
Bom dia. Sei que a luta para desenvolver algo de qualidade não é fácil; por isso, vai uma dica, que tal colocar mais exemplos de uso desta extensão fantástica e cobrar por isso como tem feito Pandako em
WithThreeJs é muito legal porem observo que a sua tem alguns diferenciais que me agradam. E você já iniciou com uma biblioteca que é ótima e avançada. Posso ver isso visitando o site de ambas e comparando. x
Estou muito animado com a evolução que vocês estão causando no Gdevelop.
Parabéns Babylongd e Threejs for Gdevelop
Thank you. I still work on this project however as mentioned in the extension this is not my number one priority. I have another project to work on so this gets less attention. But after that, I'm planning to work on a 3D project with this and then will be updating this more regularly.
Hello! Is there compatibility with Gdevelop's 3D objects?
When importing into my scene, a 3D object created in a glft 3D editor would be a good idea.
It has a way to import 3D objects from known formats. STL, OBJ, FBX, COLLADA, 3DS, IGES, STEP and VRML/X3D?
Olá! Existe compatibilidade com os objetos 3D do Gdevelop?
Ao importar para minha cena, um objeto 3D criado em um editor 3D glft seria uma boa ideia.
Tem como importar objetos 3D formatos conhecidos. STL, OBJ, FBX, COLLADA, 3DS, IGES, STEP e VRML/X3D?
Currently, I'm working on a way to import 3D obj files. But it's not ready yet. Hopefully, in the next release, it'll be included.
I am ready for this release !!
How can i make a FPS game?What extension to use?
Yo bro i will use this..
YOU SAVED MY LIFENice. It will make thing s much easier.
Hopefully yes ;)
Thanks. It's just the beginning. So it means there will be more features but also means it's not quite there yet for a serious project. Just a preview at the moment. But has potential.
How Do We Turn Off The Anti Aliasing?
5 stars on this extension!
Thanks. I don't think there's an option in the extension for now. I can add an option for a future release.